Dream – March 2009
by punkoj on Feb.12, 2013, under Dreams
I have had the most bizarre dreams this morning. The most recent one had to do with me being a mutant (as in from X-men). I was trying to get into a room with the others, but another mutant was blocking the ‘tunnel’ across the chasm. He was coming out but prevented me from getting in for some reason. Then he decided to destroy it so I couldn’t get to the group. That wasn’t going to stop me though so I took a running jump across and made it. He yells at me that I am crazy as I move up the walkway toward the room.
When I get there I tell everyone what is going on after exchanging hellos of course. We decide we need to seal ourselves in the room so no one can get to us.I think there was some kind of war, or purge going on.So we started putting up force fields, making sure all the exits were secured, sound proofing the room so nothing could get out and ensuring noone could see the light in the room. Once we thought we had everything secure, someone remembered a secret entrance noone in the room knew about.
Right about then is when I woke up.
Interesting thought, in this case someone wanted to keep me out of the group but I didn’t let it stop me, took a leap of faith in my ability to make the jump safely and it paid off. When I got to the group I was welcomed and not pushed away and we worked together to ensure we were safe.