The Mind of Jason

Dream – May 2009 (Part 2)

by on Feb.12, 2013, under Dreams

apparently now I am dreaming in parts lol.

I drive into the parking garage for the building I am working at (in my dreams) and talk to the guard because I need to get a new id badge. Out of no place a car comes barreling down at me trying to run me over. I jump behind a car parked against the wall. The car turns and rams the car trying to crush me between the parked car and the wall. Just missing and then speeds away.

I go up into the building and see into someone I went to college with. I yell over to Dina to meet me at lunch in the lobby and then I go to the men’s room.

A woman comes running over to me and all but pulls me toward the ladies room telling me they need me there. I keep saying you know I can’t go in there, get a woman to help. But she finally drags me there and I stop fighting. There sitting in a booth,a diner type, is a guy with a bunch of bottles and the woman I was with in the run down building.

The guy looks at me and says something like ahhhh good there you are. He tells me he needs for a demonstration for the bottle he has in his hand. The woman looks petrified for some reason, then the guy eludes to the fact that the bottles content won’t hurt ‘much.’

I tell him to get up. As he does I see he has a pistol at his hip. I pull mine out and warn him not to try anything and call for a guard to take him away.

The woman and I head out together holding hands. As we come out another woman calls after us and says something. Apparently she wants to date me. I just keep walking with the woman I’m with and tell her not to worry, I am not interested in the other person.

We walk outside and I put my arm around her as we walk toward the Capitol building. I say something that scares her apparently. She looks at me,eyes full of tears, and asks if I am going to leave her. I tell her that no I am not and to just keep being who she is because that is someone wonderful and someone I love.

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